Porting phone numbers to OpenPhone from other carriers

  • Updated

We know how important your number is to you. We do all we can to make sure the process of bringing your number from another carrier to OpenPhone go smoothly. We've helped thousands of new users navigate the port-in process.

Porting a number can feel complex, and we’d like to offer some tips to help you avoid any delays. Certain information can cause a port request to be rejected. 

Information to confirm before porting

First, you must answer yes to both of the questions below before starting the porting process:

  1. For the number you want to port, are payments up-to-date and is it active for calls and/or texts with your current carrier?
  2. Are you able to wait 3-10 business days for the port to be completed? (Zero service interruptions during the process)

How to begin porting-in your number from another carrier

If you answered yes to both questions above, let's begin the process!

  1. Look up your account number with your current carrier. Check your online dashboard, mobile app for the carrier, or your billing statement.
  2. Generate or reset the port-out/transfer PIN with your current carrier. Look for it in your current carrier online account or mobile app. You can also contact the porting support team for the carrier you're porting your number from.
  3. Contact your current carrier to confirm the billing/service address they have associated with your account.
  4. Provide proof of billing/service with your current carrier by providing: a download of a recent billing statement, a picture of a paper copy of the billing statement, or a screenshot of your account dashboard that shows:
    - current carrier name
    - the telephone number you're porting
    - your name.

⭐️ Important: After initiating your port-in request, do not cancel your phone number. Based on the carrier you're porting from, your number will either be automatically canceled or you will have to contact the carrier to cancel it. Doing this will help you avoid service interruptions and delays during the port process.

See related articles on porting in to OpenPhone from some top carriers.

Google Voice Gsuite (Paid)
Comcast (Xfinity)
Ring Central
NumberBarn Grasshopper