How to install the OpenPhone app

  • Updated

In this article, we'll show you how to install OpenPhone on desktop and mobile devices.

How to install the Windows desktop app

1. Click here to download the OpenPhone desktop app for Windows

2. Select the downloaded .exe file to begin installation

3. Click on the Windows toolbar and select "OpenPhone" under the recently added apps to sign in and get started using the desktop app!


How to install the Mac desktop app

1. Click here to download the OpenPhone desktop app for macOS

2. Once the automated download is complete, click-and-drag the OpenPhone desktop image into the Applications folder.


3. From your Applications folder, launch the OpenPhone app. You might be asked if you really want to open a file downloaded from the Internet (yes).

4. Move the OpenPhone app icon to your dock for easy access.


6. Sign in and start using it!

How to download the OpenPhone mobile app

If you'd like to use OpenPhone on your mobile devices, install it here for iOS and Android.

Alternatively, search for "Openphone" on the App Store or Play Store.

Once the app is installed, you can make OpenPhone your default calling app. This way, you can easily click to call when visiting most websites!