By connecting your OpenPhone to email, OpenPhone can notify you (or anyone with an email address) whenever any of your OpenPhone numbers receive a call, message, or voicemail.
Note: Only the designated admins and owners of the phone number have access to this setting.
How to connect OpenPhone to email from the web or desktop app
1. Click Settings from the left-hand menu in the web or desktop app.
2. Under Workspace, click Phone Numbers.
3. Select the OpenPhone number you'd like to connect.
4. From your phone number's settings, scroll down to "Integrations" and click "Connect to your email".
6. You can modify what events you'll be notified about via email. By default, you'll be notified about text messages, missed calls, and voicemail.
How OpenPhone notifications in an email inbox look
Now that you've connected your OpenPhone number, you'll get email notifications that look like this.
Don't have OpenPhone? Sign up today and connect it to email. ✌️
If you have any other questions, please submit a request here. We're happy to help!