OpenPhone Perks

  • Updated

Does OpenPhone provide discounts to other products and services?

Yes, OpenPhone offers exclusive discounts through our OpenPhone Perks program!

As part of our commitment to helping small businesses and entrepreneurs succeed, OpenPhone has partnered with a variety of industry-leading tools and services to offer exclusive discounts to our customers. Whether you're just getting started or looking to scale, these perks may help you save up to $10K and access the resources you need to grow your business.

How do I redeem a perk?

You can access all the deals through your OpenPhone workspace:

  1. Log into your OpenPhone account.
  2. Click on ‘Help and support’ in the bottom left corner and select ‘Perks’.
  3. Browse through the available offers — from business formation to marketing tools — and select the one you'd like to redeem.
  4. Follow the instructions provided to claim your discount or offer. This may involve entering a promo code during checkout on the partner's website or signing up through a specific link.

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Who is eligible for OpenPhone Perks?

All OpenPhone customers are eligible for OpenPhone Perks. However, some offers may have specific eligibility requirements or be available for a limited time, so be sure to read the details for each perk.

Have more questions?

If you have any further questions about OpenPhone Perks or need assistance with redeeming an offer, our team is here to help. You can reach out to us at, and we'll be happy to assist you.

We're always looking to expand our list of perks to include the products and services our customers love. If there's a product or service you'd like to see included in OpenPhone Perks, email us at , and we’ll work on partnering with them.