Too many messages crowding your inbox? You can now file any tasks that you’ve delegated and completed instead of deleting them to keep your inbox clean and tidy.
Any verification codes you have sent to your OpenPhone number, promo messages, one-time phone calls and much more can be filed away under "Done".
How to mark conversations on the OpenPhone web or desktop app
1. Launch the OpenPhone web app or desktop App
2. From the conversation inbox, press the checkmark ✔ icon to mark a conversation as done.

How to mark conversations "Done" from the iOS and Android app
1. Launch OpenPhone on your mobile device.
2. From your conversation inbox, swipe a conversation left and tap "Done".
Want to learn more about filtering your inbox? Check out this handy guide we put together for you.
PS: Don't have OpenPhone yet? Try OpenPhone now free for seven days.
If you have any other questions, please submit a request here. We're happy to help!