How to port your number away from iPlum

  • Updated

Want to use your existing iPlum phone number with OpenPhone? We'll be happy to port it over for you!

Here are things you'll need to do to submit your iPlum port request:

  1. Log in with your credentials to iPlum Dashboard

  2. Select Utilities - Port out. You'll be prompted to pay the iPlum port-out fee ($19.99) to unlock your number for porting. (Don't worry, we don't charge you an additional fee to port to us ?)

  3. If you'd like to use your existing iPlum phone number with OpenPhone, we'll be happy to port it for you for free.

  4. Then, initiate a porting request to OpenPhone by following the steps here!

That's it!

We'll follow up with you if we need anything else from your end.

Don't have an OpenPhone account yet? Get OpenPhone for free today!

If you have any other questions, please submit a request here. We're happy to help!