In order to text US phone numbers from OpenPhone number, you have to register your number through the U.S. carrier registration process. For full details and common questions on the registration process, read OpenPhone's FAQs about US carrier registration.
Our experience in supporting owners of OpenPhone numbers in submitting accurate and complete registration applications has resulted in some important new steps in our registration process.
Two options for creating your privacy policy
All users planning to text to US numbers --- both those with and without an EIN (or other business identifier) --- are required to have a privacy policy. This is a clear statement that owners of OpenPhone numbers won't share with any third parties their contacts' opt-in data or messaging permission. Such sharing could result in unwanted marketing outreach to contacts, possibly decreasing their trust in your business and brand.
To help you create clear messaging for your privacy policy, you can choose from one of two options.
Edit your existing privacy policy
You can get a standard text snippet to add to your existing privacy policy.
Let OpenPhone create a privacy policy for you
Or, you opt for OpenPhone to generate a privacy policy for you.
To build and maintain the confidence your contacts have in your business, it's important have an easy-to-understand process for obtaining their consent for how you plan to use their number and related data.
You have four options for how you'll obtain consent from all of your contacts:
- Verbal
- Written
- Digital
- Text to subscribe
This image of the options list is followed by the visual experience for each option.
Inbound text
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