How to change your OpenPhone number

  • Updated

There may come a time when you might want to change your OpenPhone number. We understand and want to help you find a phone number that works best for you and your business! 

⭐️ Note: Changing your OpenPhone number will remove all data associated with it, including call and messaging history.

Follow these steps to change your OpenPhone number:

  1. Go to "Settings" in the web or desktop app (this can't be done on the mobile app currently). If you're an admin or owner and want to change one of the phone numbers that belong to the company, click "Phone Numbers".

  2. Click on the phone number you'd like to remove.

  3. Scroll down in the phone number settings to the "Danger Zone" area and click "Delete phone number".

  4. Confirm that you'd like to delete that phone number by typing "delete".

  5. Refresh the web app and if you don't have any other existing numbers, you'll be prompted to pick a new number. You're done!